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  • Create the Back-End of a Visitor Tracking App Industry Expert -
    Back-end is one of the two main components of a web application, it can also be considered the root of a website. Without a good and strong back-end, users will not have a pleasant experience on your website. In this skill, you will be introduced to back-end programming on the Cloud platform. You will learn how to write a Node.js application for an organization’s front desk, which needs to log visitors in and out. Along the way you will learn how to use a few programming languages and also a database. You will learn how to do this on the highly available Cloud, using an online Eclipse Orion IDE rather than having to install anything on your local machines.
    0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English Advanced
    0 Ratings
  • Create the Front-End of a Visitor Tracking App Industry Expert -
    Front-end is also one of the two main components of a web application. It is what the user sees and interacts with. Which is why it needs to be clear, smooth and attractive so that users enjoy their experience on the site. In this skill, you will be introduced to the front-end programming on the IBM Cloud platform. You will learn how to modify your front desk Node.js application which has already been deployed on IBM Cloud and create a good-looking User Interface for it. Along the way, you will learn how to use AngularJS, jQuery and Bootstrap. Your tools in this course will be IBM Cloud platform with an online Eclipse Orion IDE deployed on it.
    0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English Advanced
    0 Ratings
  • Create your own Web Page Industry Expert -
    Web applications have become the main source of income and entertainment for most people, it has also become the means to solve world problems and to expand businesses globally. If you are completely new to coding or have some background coding experience, you might be wondering where to start learning web application development. You need to learn how, what, where to code and then, once the code is ready, how to deploy it for the whole world to see.In this course we will help you create an end-to-end professional looking static web page, assuming you know nothing about coding. You will setup your own development environment, create your first web page from scratch and then deploy it on Cloud through which your page can be accessed from anywhere and on any device!
    0 Lessons 00:00:00 Hours English Advanced
    0 Ratings